Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jul 2021 16:19 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 47
Author's Response: Yeah, the scope of destruction is almost too massive to fully fathom. I certainly don't envy Owens & company having to come to terms with their failures so far. Thanks again for continued and insightful reviews. I'm truly enjoying these. The wait for the next book shouldn't be too long. In the meantime, if you're interested in the full QD treatment, I'd encourage you to check out Homecoming, which is essentially a prelude to QD.
Date: 04 Jul 2021 16:19 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 47
Somewhere in a subspace dimension, the end of universes is accompanied by thunderous applause.. These guys make genocide seem like juvenile mischief by comparison.
Yet another SEA cliffhanger. Good description of Owens' reaction to the disappearance of the Heracles and all the life it represents - a mixture or nausea and relief. And his rumination that there was something even worse from being helpless to save his crew.
Sounds like their task is far from done.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, the scope of destruction is almost too massive to fully fathom. I certainly don't envy Owens & company having to come to terms with their failures so far. Thanks again for continued and insightful reviews. I'm truly enjoying these. The wait for the next book shouldn't be too long. In the meantime, if you're interested in the full QD treatment, I'd encourage you to check out Homecoming, which is essentially a prelude to QD.