Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 28 Apr 2021 11:16 Title: 013 - "There Are No White Rabbits On The Moon."

Date: 28 Apr 2021 11:16 Title: 013 - "There Are No White Rabbits On The Moon."
Captain Whren... intersting.
Trigger is a fun character - evidently a bit of a horndog. Not certain why the Federation would outlaw sexbots unless they were actually AI.
Interesting that Mech carries an actual firearm. Always a useful backup in case you're caught in an energy dampening field...
Two concepts generally missing in ST (largely due, no doubt, to screen time issues) are layers of bureaucracy and orbital weapons platforms. You managed to provide both in a single line with UMDA-owned satellites.
Thanks!! rbs