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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Jun 2021 13:36 Title: Episode 25.4: I Dream of Shiva - Get Brack

You know, for a series featuring a starship full of lawyers, we really don't get to see court room scenes often enough. A shame, as this one was really fun. An I remember the Ferengi attorney from your excellent short story.

Author's Response:

That was my original intent. But the story kept running off in its own direction, leaving me feeling more like its chronicler than its creator. It only grudgingly allowed me to tell a few stories about the lawyers, sleuths, forensics techs and tactical squad crewing the Hunter.

Brack in Cisl Mreek's courtroom - glad you got a kick out of that...

Thanks!! rbs

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