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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2021 11:29 Title: Episode 24.18: A Trillian Problem - Jet Traxx

Sounds like we're getting a happy ending for once. Considering all the terrible things that have been happening, this would be a nice change of pace. At least for the embattled characters.

Also, we get another speech. It's a good one, of course, but there are A LOT of speeches in Hunter. You know, just sayin'.

Author's Response:

Heroic fantasy is dark by nature, but I try to introduce a glimmer of hope at the end of each episode... You're not the first to notice how much speechifying there is in this series. But there are only 3 speeches left:

Ep 26: Saint Philomo proclaims a new theology

Ep 27: Greta Leifdottor's declaration of War

Ep 28, the series finale - the new King of the Borg uses a cartoon to explain how things are going to be... (another reader described this scene as "toon-splaining") Stay tooned...

Thanks!! rbs

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