Date: 09 May 2021 07:56 Title: Episode 24.7: A Trillian Problem - General Hialal Mulaax
My theory on the Trill military going completly insane was that these were made up of frustrated unjoined Trill desperate to be joined. Wrong. And rather concerning that they are led by a joined Trill who are supposed to be wiser thanks to all that extra experience (in fairness I haven't written joined Trills as particularly wise either. Exhibit A: Tazla Star)
Interesting that the real master mind behind this may be a very old symbiont perhaps driven crazy by not having had a host in a very long time. I can guess which host it has joined with now.
Author's Response:
I'm always pleased when my story turns out to be more complex than anticipated. It's as much a civil war among the symbionts as among the trill... And the priesthood is squarely in the middle of it - not just selecting hosts, but prohibiting hundreds, maybe thousands of symbionts from being joined.
I am amused by the congruence of Star (particualrly Dark Star) with Mulaax. Wise doesn't necissariily mean nice... And symbionts are greedy for new experiences - even at the expense of their host.
You're not wrong about the Traxx symbiont's choice for a host. And boy is Traxx in for a surprise...
Thanks!! rbs