Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jan 2021 15:37 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 26
Author's Response: Loving the idea of alt-Cosmo as Amaya's animal companion. Now that I think of it, maybe he did exist and the reason he's no longer around has added to this Donners' anguish and generally poor disposition.
Date: 11 Jan 2021 15:37 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 26
I'm still liking the monomaniacal alt-Michael. There's a certain purity about the character.
Very fun development with Eagle prime showing up to save the day for alt-Eagle.
Still eagerly waiting to see how the Stars align - or not. And it will be fun to see alt-Michael dealing with Star prime.
Question: is there an alt-wildcat?
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Loving the idea of alt-Cosmo as Amaya's animal companion. Now that I think of it, maybe he did exist and the reason he's no longer around has added to this Donners' anguish and generally poor disposition.