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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Apr 2021 20:35 Title: Episode 23.6 - JAG Wars: Minerva

Always entertaining to rejoin the Doctor and Old Man Wesley. An now it appears the duo may have become a trio with the addition of the mysterious "Bob". I do think I may be recognizing their form of transportation.

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying the Wesley/Doctor beats. Dr. Carrera's team is gradually forming - sort of a 25th Century League of Extraordinary Gentlemen... Alien Bob is Wesley's friend and mentor, the Traveler. He had forgotten his actual name, so Wes started calling him Bob.

And you are not wrong about the Lavardorn, the sort of space whale introduced in the previous episode. The name Lavardorn is one of many easter eggs (along with pretty much all my admirals except Chekov and a number of walk-on captains.)

Thanks!! rbs

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