Reviews For 13x01 - "The Recovery Position"
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 08 Jan 2021 15:18 Title: Act Four
Author's Response:

Date: 08 Jan 2021 15:18 Title: Act Four
Interesting psychological ploy. A friend of mine was in a car wreck (years before I met her.) She was still angry about the doctor who rode with her in the ambulance nattering on about how irresponsible young people were especially behind the wheel and that she had probably brought this on herself.
It was a ploy to keep her alive by engaging her adreneline through rage - and it worked.
Nice to see that used in a story plot. Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it. I have a tendency to have a lot of my conclusions basically come down to one big conversation, and i was happy with how this one came out, yes. -MD