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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Jan 2021 14:07 Title: Act Two

Science note: Given the laws of momentum and lack of friction in a vacuum, a spacship cutting its engines will continue to move at the same rate. Engines in space provide accelleration. It would be more believable if the ship were ordered to cut its momentum and go to station-keeping. This would require reversing engines and the ship would continue moving forward until the engines could overcome the forward momentum. It's a bit more to explain both in dialogue and narration but always important to keep a little science in the science fiction.

One advantage this format does have is it is very straightforward. I was following another story here that became unreadable because the language became too florid to decode. Your writing is very descriptive and easy to follow - which places the emphasis on the story and makes the writer transparent - one of my goals as a writer.

Thanks!! rbs

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