Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2021 07:26 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 25
Author's Response: You are right, there is a lot going on in this trilogy, and the story of Culsten and Garla and the Krellonian Star Alliance forms a part of this. Garla will have to make a decision soon, it seems. Thanks for reading, really enjoying the continued feedback.
Date: 04 Jan 2021 07:26 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 25
Whatever happened to those ancient Romans...
Interesting exploration of the Garden of Forking Paths - what cultural development would have occurred if they turned right at Cygnus A instead of left...
Also some good character development with Garla. She seems to be asking the right questions. There is something not right with this Lif and evidently she can sense that.
And some Sorrows of Empire reflections. Lots of threads in this chapter to follow.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: You are right, there is a lot going on in this trilogy, and the story of Culsten and Garla and the Krellonian Star Alliance forms a part of this. Garla will have to make a decision soon, it seems. Thanks for reading, really enjoying the continued feedback.