Date: 11 Apr 2021 07:23 Title: Episode 23.5 - JAG Wars: The Shadow of Death
I always thought Irons had a dark side to her but this is quite a transformation indeed. She a stone cold killer now.
I think I recall the Romulan and the Cardassian from earlier. Hadn't realized she was Section 31. Wasn't she responsible for busting out Ivanovic and killing an entire ship?
Author's Response:
Irons has been ruthlessly hacking and burning her way through this story, leaving a mountain of bodies. Her son is just as ruthless - the Irons family is part dynasty, part tong. Fiercly loyal to the Federation, but they have a distinctly Chinese way of doing business.
Remma was the top IIC field agent when she attacked the Hunter (Ep 4), destroyed the Challenger and captured Ivonovic (Ep 5, 6). Ivonovic mentions her influence over him to Dolphin, which leads to Dolphin putting Ivonovic out of her reach by getting him onto the Federation Council (Ep 10). Later scenes (Ep 11, 16) show first LeMark, then Remma being telepathically dominated and tortured by Chief Justice Scrivax while Bashir and Vice Admiral Senvol watch. This is a moment in her being conditioned and transformed from Imperial Intelligence Control agent into a tool of Section 31.
Thanks!! rbs