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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2021 20:32 Title: Episode 22.14: Sacrifice - One Single Vote

"My name is Emory Ivonovic and I approve this message."

The man sure has lofty ambitions but I can totally see it happening. The attack ads, if there's such a thing in the 24th century, would be vicious though. "Ivonovic was a fugitive from justice and now he wants to be your president. Ivanovic is wrong for Earth, and he is wrong for the Federation!"

It's a credit to your writing that I cannot quite decide if a Predsident Ivanovic will be an extremely scary prospect, or the change the Federatione need.

Author's Response:

It is seriously gratifying that you had precisely the reaction I was trying to evoke for the Ivonovic arc. I really enjoy ambiguous characters.

Since the president is not popularly elected, but rather selected by the Federation Council, I would think instead of attack ads, we would have something more like positive and negative vlogs trying to compete with Ivonovic's vlogging.

Thanks!! rbs

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