Date: 29 Mar 2021 20:23 Title: Episode 22.13: Sacrifice - David and Goliath
This chapter certainly was off to an unexpected start. Although sudden, unexpected urges aren't anything new on this ship.
This new plan is certainly more sophisticated than throwing rocks. Although I have to admit the simplicity of that plan had a certain charm to it.
Author's Response:
Since an object traveling at warp is technially at rest (it's space that's moving), when it comes out of warp there's no motion to conserve. So to have a warp speed impact, it would have to hit the other ship while still in the warp shell - which means the ship dragging it would have to be flown manually, bypassing every failsafe. By far the highest probability is that the attacking ship would also be anihalated - probably disrupting local spacetime in the process... It sounded like a good idea until the engineers took a look at it...
I had wanted to show Chekov's reaction to learning more about Dolphin's tryst that he ever wanted to, but Hunter just stomped all over that moment with his weird humor, saving Dolphin the embarassment. I'm glad the imoginette character took you by surprise. Dragomut has a few more surpises up his/her sleeve.
Thanks!! rbs