Date: 21 Feb 2021 09:39 Title: Episode 21.1: The Enemy of My Enemy - Battlegod
The Borg are back, not good. And Sela clearly has the tactical acumen to know how to fight them, also not good. Although if it's between the Borg and the Romulans, I guess the latter might be the lesser threat.
The reasoning behind the battle gods is interesting. I had been wondering about the logic of building such massive ships. Economically, they don't seem to make a great amount of sense.
Author's Response:
Glad you got a kick out of the blue romulan... Since Anana is Trantor Police instead of Star Fleet, she's a little more rough and ready to improvise.
I develoeped a backstory on Sela saving the empire out of the Hobus tragedy and holding it together... Some of that will come through later.
Glad you liked the reasoning on the battlegods - born to fight the borg and repurposed for a desparate conservation effort as gamma radiation is gradually steralizing the empire..
Thanks!! rbs