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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05 Oct 2020 12:43 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 14

Great closing line - what I call a stinger.

So the krellonians are getting their business handed to them by what was in Lif's universe a minor power. And it appears Star Fleet has given Lif some very useful leadership lessons his more powerful counterparts would have greatly benefitted from. Perhaps he is the best possible Lif after all.

I'm a fan of short, pithy chapters and this one definitely counts.

Thanks!! rbs


Author's Response: Yeah, Lif has some experience with tough situations. In Eagle 3 "Cry Havoc" (available at he faced his own no-win scenario. Maybe you're right, and he's the best of all worlds, as it were. Time will tell. Thanks for the great review, glad you liked this chapter.

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