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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09 Mar 2021 20:55 Title: Episode 21.15: The Enemy of My Enemy - You Are Cordially Invited

A very interesting interpretation of the Romulan people, assuming Sela speaks the truth. Not a given, of course, but why would she lie?

No death penalty and gardening? Feels rather progressive. Except perhaps for the stripping and striping. That could be considered cruel and unusual.

Somehow I wouldn't be totally suprised if Irons decides to fall on this sword for the greater good.

Author's Response:

Sela isn't exactly lying... But she's definitely suger-coating. For "tamed" read "conquered" and for "gardening" read "hard labor..."

Irons does have a penchant for walking into traps...

Thanks!! rbs

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