Date: 08 Mar 2021 22:00 Title: Episode 21.14: The Enemy of My Enemy - Truth Seekers
He does write nice speeches (which means, of course, you write nice speeches) so you've got to give him credit for that. Although, he may have a speechwriter on his staff.
I don't know about the conspiracy angle, but seeking the truth is a very timely topic, unfortunately, with the alarming rise of misinformation. I'd go so far as to say that it is a serious threat to our society today, which means it is absolutely a believable threat to the Federation in the 24th century.
Author's Response:
Really glad you liked this one - I worry about these long speeches droning a little. I used Emory as a mouthpiece a bit in a plea for citizen journalism - which I consider to be the future of journalism.
I'm not a believer in dark conspiracies - they seem to rely on assigning motives to the conspirators that even a comic-book villain would find unbelievably wooden. But for this story, there really is one...
Thanks!! rbs