Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2020 14:47 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 13
Author's Response: You would think Michael Owens would have learned his lesson as far as Jarik is concerned. Some people, I suppose, are slow learners. Thanks for the continuously great feedback and glad you enjoyed this one, I appreciate it was a big one.
Date: 28 Sep 2020 14:47 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 13
I like the soloquay on nostalgia - an emotion that I consider obsequiosly poisonous. Always good to see a character mistrusting it.
Also an interesting echo that romulans are sensitive to color.
A long chapter that covers a lot of territory, but a compelling read. You're definintely building a page-turner here.
And once again, nothing good comes from trusing Jarik...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: You would think Michael Owens would have learned his lesson as far as Jarik is concerned. Some people, I suppose, are slow learners. Thanks for the continuously great feedback and glad you enjoyed this one, I appreciate it was a big one.