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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Mar 2021 12:35 Title: Episode 21.12: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Next Generation

Some things will never change. Romulans with schemes within schemes for example. I know you didn't want your Sela to be a comic book villain, and kudos for making her more multifaceted than she ever was on TV, but her hatered for humans is fairly obvious. And darn it, if she doesn't land a few good points in the midst of speechifying her thoughts.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words! Every villain is a hero. And every hero is a villain...

There are an awful lot of speeches in STH. Useful for providing context as well as character development. And in the case of Julian, explaining the whole thing.

Still - yakity yak...


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