Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2020 12:49 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 11
Author's Response: Yeah, the foreshadowing is fairly obvious here, isn't it? If nothing else, there are a lot of different UFP flavors in QD.
Date: 14 Sep 2020 12:49 Title: Part 2 - Shattered: 11
Always controverial and fun when a captain leads a dangerous away mission.
Nice summation of the different Michael Owenses and almost a foregone conclusion they will come into contact. It looks like our Eagle came from a universe with a highly stressed UFP into a universe with a UFP pretty much in tatters.
Always very interesting to see different takes on the UFP - almost a end-of-empire vision. Which tracks with the UFP's birthpllace - the USA during the height of the Pax Americana.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, the foreshadowing is fairly obvious here, isn't it? If nothing else, there are a lot of different UFP flavors in QD.