Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 7 - Episodes 20 - 22
Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2021 21:44 Title: Episode 21.4: The Enemy of My Enemy - Buddy and the Borg
Date: 23 Feb 2021 21:44 Title: Episode 21.4: The Enemy of My Enemy - Buddy and the Borg
This feels like a bit of a mashup of a bit of Monty Python and Star Wars/Indiana Jones which is hilarious.
Boles didn't exactly comport himself like a command officer here, but hey, transporter to the rescue. It all worked out, For now.
Staggering numbers they're up against here.
Author's Response:
Really glad the humor came through.. Who knew that a desperate fight with a hoarde of borg drones would produce the moment of comic relief?
Thanks!! rbs