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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2021 08:13 Title: Episode 20.5: Survival - - Rescue Planning

Oh, I'm sure this is not confusing at all, two Hunters who speak as one but also are seperate.

A lot of plans in the making here. As the old saying goes, everyone has a plan, until they don't.

Author's Response:

So if they're following a Tauk plan, would they be Tauking? 

I probably should have introduced the concept of Hunter Tactical earlier in the story - the ability of the tactical unit to carry a backup/copy of the ship's AI was part of the initial design of the ship. But there really was never any context in which to introduce it. Aside from enabling the tactical unit to also travel in recursive warp, he really doesn't serve much other purpose.

Thanks!! rbs

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