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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2020 02:33 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 34

Okay - I love the creepy clicking subspace aliens and even more that it appears there's something they're afraid of. I was also quite amuzed that they appear to be more than a little thick...

I figured that alt-Amaya was done for if her ship and she remained in some galaxy and The Eagle went somewhere else - which would leave her floating in space without an EVA suit... not comfy.

Also quite enjoying the description of the perception of subspace causing the aliens to stand out from the walls with an Escher-like disregard for gravity.

Fun last sentence/cliffhanger.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I really wanted to do away with the super smart, super wise aliens here for a change since we've seen a whole lot of those in Trek and elsewhere, so decided to go into a different direction. Obviously there is more to these aliens yet to be discovered. I'm glad you enjoyed the visual of the chapter. I wanted to make things really weird and disorientating, if not for the reader, at the very least for the characters having to go through it.

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