Date: 16 Jul 2020 19:47 Title: Episode 7.15 - Time On Target
So I was half right after all, it is all the mushrooms fault. Granted, I would certainly not have expected, in a hundred years, asymmetrical causality. Is that even a thing? Doesn't matter. Sound cool as hell. I mean the whole concept it mind-bending. Also pretty impressive that it's the crew of what is practically a police cruiser to come up with such an awesome hypothesis. This isn't even a science vessel. Also mindful that that's all it is for now, a hypothesis with little evidence to back it up.
I'll take it though, it's awesome.
Author's Response:
Actually, yes. it is a thing. We've known for decades that actions in the future influence the past at a subatomic level - and I'm liniking in a YouTube video that explains that:
Similarly, we know it operates as a general rule. The future, the past and what we think of as "now" all exist simultanesouly. If causality is a thing, it has to run both ways. Events in the future shape the past as events in the past shape the future. It sounds more than a little Terminator Judgement Day... But here is another YouTube video explaining the bizarre nature of "now":
And yeah - Carerra is speculating... Glad you enjoyed this little brain-twister! Thanks!! rbs