Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 14 Jul 2020 20:23 Title: Episode 7.14 - Taking His Breath Away

Date: 14 Jul 2020 20:23 Title: Episode 7.14 - Taking His Breath Away
Okay, so not everything is the mushrooms fault. Some grim news here for Tauk. I like how yo are casting against type in this series. Articulate Nausicaans first, and now we've got Ferengi with principles they will not compromise on. What's next? A trustworthy Romulan?
Author's Response:
She turns up in Episode 11... I also have an obnoxious Bolian, a lying Vulcan, a sweet natured cardassian, a cowardly Klingon, a calm, self-possesed Andorian...
Glad you noticed...
Thanks!! rbs