Date: 11 Jul 2020 12:40 Title: Episode 7.13 - A Shared Vision
Not sure what I'm more surprised by here, yet another sudden turn of events as Tauk is experiencing an unexpectedly serious medical episode or the presence of a highly articulate Nausicaan. I guess categorizing all of their people as war-like brutes is likely the kind of racism we should have moved on from. Must keep open mind.
Author's Response:
I did a little careful foreshadowing with Tauk. You might have noticed him coughing in episodes 4 and 5. That vision of him coughing up blood was in Kenny's nightmare at the beginning of this episode.
At some point I may write a short fanfic from a nausicaan POV. I have this fanciful notion that nausicaans are extremely cultured and have a rich literary tradition. But they consider humans (and pretty much every other non-nausicaan) to be just duller than ditchwater, so they use baby talk around us and see no point in sharing their culture with us.
Thanks!! rbs