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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Jul 2020 12:34 Title: Episode 7.12 - Battle for Pillo

Veni, vini, vici.

Dolphin and T'Lon in that tactical unit didn't take any prisoners. Literally. And I have to agree with Guth, that was some outstanding piloting, putting your ship within, what in space might as well be a hair's length of two massive cruisers and blow them apart at point blank range.

Flawless strategy.

Now I'm quite curious what prompted this sudden attack, which by the way, I didn't see coming at all.

Once more, I shall blame the mushroom until I am convinced otherwise.

Author's Response:

Oh the mushroom is definitely involved...  

I had been signalling Dolphin's ability as a pilot. In Ep.2 Irons mentions that he is considered the best pilot in Star Fleet and in Ep.6 Gamor makes a remark about his rating as a test pilot with Utopia Planeta. I had to pay that off at some point.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Guth rhymes with Booth. I named him after the American theoretical physicist Alan Guth.

Thanks! rbs

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