Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 07 Jul 2020 20:39 Title: Episode 7.11 - Case Closed

Date: 07 Jul 2020 20:39 Title: Episode 7.11 - Case Closed
He just pulls the sword out of his chest? This guy is one tough customer. Also, looks like Mlady is done feeding for the week. Also, WTF just happend?
Whatever the cause, I blame the mushroom.
Author's Response:
Lots of reveals at the end of this episode - including why David is so tough and smart and such a good dancer all in one giant body. And why Carrera is off the charts brilliant. And many of the other Hunter's superheroes. With the exceptions of Mlady, Kenny, Gaia, Tauk, T'Lon, Tali Shae, Jazz and the three trills...
And a reveal on TGM that will hopefully make your neo-cortex hurt...
Thanks!! rbs