Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 05 Jul 2020 21:38 Title: Episode 7.8 - One Mushroom to Rule Them All

Date: 05 Jul 2020 21:38 Title: Episode 7.8 - One Mushroom to Rule Them All
Oh look, it's the Lord of the Mushrooms.
All this talk about mushrooms, and now just one mega 'room is starting to freak me out a bit. Could something sinister be going on here?
Author's Response:
There is definitely more going on with our million ton, bioluminescent agaricoid friend than meets the eye. Out of more than 100 characters I created for this series, TGM is easiily the most mysterious. Although Emory Ivonovic and Emperor Sin IV will give it a run for its money..
Thanks!! rbs