Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 05 Jul 2020 21:32 Title: Episode 7.5 - Temple on Mt. Seleya

Date: 05 Jul 2020 21:32 Title: Episode 7.5 - Temple on Mt. Seleya
Aw, that was nice. Still, somehow I had thought that maybe T'Lok would get resurrected but I suppose that would have been a little too convenient. Sometimes, dead is dead, even in Trek and with superheroes. Although usually not as permanently reliable for the latter.
Author's Response:
There are a few options in between death and life that are fun to explore and more possible with vulcan spirituality. Dead but not gone...
Glad you enjoyed this scene - Thanks!! rbs