Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 04 Jul 2020 13:35 Title: Episode 7.4 - Night Life in Porte Abello

Date: 04 Jul 2020 13:35 Title: Episode 7.4 - Night Life in Porte Abello
Very nice and vivid world-building in this chapter. Pillo sounds like a fascinating and truly alien world very different to most places we've seen on the screen. Well done.
Author's Response:
These scenes on Pillo were among the first I envisioned when I was just idly day dreaming what eventually became this series. I went on this journey in no small part so I could describe Porte Abello and its inhabitants. So in a way, the entire Star Trek Hunter series started with a mushroom trip...
Thanks again for the kind words! rbs