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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Jul 2020 11:53 Title: Episode 7.1 - Nightmares

One hell of a creepy nightmare. Nicely done.

And now we've got a katra situation? Are we about to get some sort of Vulcan resurrection? That would be a pleasant turn of events for a change considering all the grief these guys have been through recently.

Author's Response:

Thanks again for the kind words... Hopefully the resolution will be emotionally satisfying (although not entirely a resolution...) That was the fun of writing a Pon Farr story - It allowed me to play the sex/romance story from gentle to erotic to comic to pathetic. And now to a denouement.. I was gratified when you observed that T'Lon was taking T'Lok's death well. That was exactly the illusion I wanted to create.

Thanks!! rbs

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