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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2020 23:35 Title: Episode 6.8 - The Plan to Capture BK2

I remember that rifle from the DS9 episode. That was a pretty nasty weapon.

A lot of elements in play here which means a lot of things that could go wrong, including over 4,000 people suddenly ... uh ... feeling very funny?

Author's Response:

Yep - that's where I got the idea. I changed it a little - the DS9 version was essentially a displacement phaser. Mine was somewhat more primative. I would think that replicators would be coded to make it impossible for someone to use them to obtain any kind of weapon. DS9 created an out for this - Dax had to have a certain security clearance. I thought that was a bit too easy.

I'm gratified that you saw the DS0 debacle coming from the discussion among Shran and Mallory. I really do appreciate your comments - Thanks!! rbs

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