Date: 28 Jun 2020 23:28 Title: Episode 6.7 - Hunter Courting
Fully functioning, eh?
Okay, so this story is going into a direction I didn't quite expect.
Oh, and I was pointing out privacy issues earlier. Considering there are telepaths running around, and AI systems which can be anywhere and see everything, I suppose true privacy is a thing of the past.
Author's Response:
Yeah - privacy is already a thing of the past. Depending on when you got your first cell phone, the U.S. government probably has a complete record of every call you have ever made and every person you have ever texted. Courtesy of the Patriot Act.
Fortunately, the deepest, darkest secrets of the human soul are stultifyingly boring to betazoids and profoundly annoying to vulcans...
Glad you got a kick out of Mallory and Hunter's riff on Data and Picard. Thanks again for your reviews!! rbs