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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2020 23:19 Title: Episode 6.5 - Tolon's Ephiphany

One thing a little creepy here is how much information the team seems to have access to about pretty much anyone visiting a Federation starbase. I guess privacy laws work a little different in the future.

I've noticed you keep referring to the planet Raisa. Not sure if this is an alt spelling for Risa or a different planet altogether.

Author's Response:

Well... we kind of already live in that fishbowl.. But the Hunter's crew have this detailed information courtesy of Julain Bashir and Section 31...

Yeah - I should probably have looked up Risa on Memory Alpha. I misspelled it. I'll have to go back and correct that...

Thanks!! rbs

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