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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Jun 2020 22:58 Title: Episode 6.3 - Gossip

This entire conversation and theme on hybrids and purity is very much in the best tradition of Trek and reminds me a great deal of the conversations we unfortunately still having to this day about racial purity and interracial relationships.

As for the rampant hormonal outbreak on the Hunter, on the other hand, would probably never make it onto a Trek TV show, at least not quite this blatantly. Maybe HBO. Then again, we did get to see the Enterprise crew fall all over themselves in the Naked Now.

Author's Response:

Considering the Odogasms and Kiragasms DS9 got away with, along with the first passionate female/female kiss on network TV and all the hanky-panky with Warf and Dax in the wings, I think I can defend my T rating... 

I'm kind of stealing a plot device from a DS9 episode... None the worse for wear.

Glad you enjoyed all the talk about hybrids and purity - while I wrote this episode nearly a year ago, it is evidently far too resonent today.

Thanks again for the kind words!! rbs

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