Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 2 - Episodes 5-7
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 22 Jun 2020 22:37 Title: Episode 5.9 - The U.S.S. Challenger

Date: 22 Jun 2020 22:37 Title: Episode 5.9 - The U.S.S. Challenger
Brutal description of death here.
But yeah, I expected something like this ever since it was clear the governor was MIA.
Whoever is crewing those Cardassian ships is. Or messing around.
Author's Response:
Brutal is what I was going for... Glad to know it connected!
I try to mix humor and horror. My favorite Trek movie is First Contact - going back and forth from a spooky borg hunt on the Enterprise to utter insanity with Zephram Cochran in Montana.
Thanks again for the review! rbs