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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Jun 2020 23:12 Title: Episode 5.4 - Pichilemu, Chile

If somebody were to ask me what this series is about I would of course say, Star Trek, vicious serial killers and ... surfing.

Boy, this crew must be seriously tanned.

A lot of technical talk here, but I'm enjoying this trip around the globe.

Author's Response:

I may have gotten a little too tech heavy in this scene. I was watching Numb3rs when I was coming up with this series and wanted to put a lot of math into the series - without actually spelling out the equations. There are a few chalkboard scenes.

I have never surfed - but I got a kick out of the idea of a Star Trek series with lots of surfing. Unfortunately, they won't get many more chances throughout the series.

Thanks again for reading and for the kind words! rbs

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