Date: 21 Jun 2020 23:00 Title: Episode 5.3 - Nairobi, Kenya
Wakanda Forever!
Sorry, wrong franchise. But couldn't help be reminded of Black Panther's super modern and advanced African cities and culture.
I like the idea that Africa is the heart of the Federation although a bit more befuddled why Starfleet HQ has moved from the City by the Bay to seemingly the middle of Nowhere, USA.
Author's Response:
Africa will see explosive economic and population growth in this century - more than the rest of Earth combined. If all of us are fortunate, Nairobi, which is a gorgeous city, will be the model. The real question is, how to protect the wildlife when poachers have transporters..
Star Fleet Headquarters was originally built across the bay from the Academy. With all the wars, both the Academy and SF Headquarters needed more room. It makes sense that the Headquarters would move and the Academy would expand into the old HQ. Given available modes of transportation, HQ would go somewhere with a lot of room and low population so they could build from scratch with high security.
Again - thanks for reading and thanks for the questions! rbs