Reviews For State of Entanglement
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
Author's Response: Part of this goes back to my point about relationships build over time and based on trust. I've also always resisted the notion a little bit that Starfleet is a military organization first. Although, I can certainly see how on other ships, particularly with officers less familiar with each other, or during war times, disciplinary actions would be more common in these kind of situations.

Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
This is a particularly good chapter regarding the conversation between Lif and Tazla. Issue handled in the best Star Fleet tradition. In the U.S. Navy (at least during Vietnam when my dad served) such behavior would probably earn an Article 15 and quite possible a peer group drubbing to boot.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Part of this goes back to my point about relationships build over time and based on trust. I've also always resisted the notion a little bit that Starfleet is a military organization first. Although, I can certainly see how on other ships, particularly with officers less familiar with each other, or during war times, disciplinary actions would be more common in these kind of situations.
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:04 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:04 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
Spellchecker chews: the Pp beginning "Ordinarialy I would agree..." I think you meant "expecting" instead of "excepting."
Pp beginning "Understand, I am not equating..." I think you meant "reliving" instead of "relieving".
Thanks! rbs