Reviews For Across the Styx
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Reviewer: Teddog Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2019 19:23 Title: Outbound Ghosts

My favourite part of this chapter is the still beginning of the check-in. I love the different reactions of Arnie, Tom and The Reverend in the cab. You really capture both how claustrophobia that space is and the comradery that helps them tolerate that limited space, despite the friction between their personalities.

And that friction is earnest but not necessarily antagonistic. We can get a sense that these characters are all united in a similar goal although not always in agreement.

Author's Response: I definitely was aiming to show that they were all three professionals, I guess? Like-- they get on well enough to do their jobs, and the Reverend is a natural peacemaker, but yeah, their being united in the common goal is what keeps it from becoming a real brawl at any point. Re: the check-in and cab scene; I like the feeling of it. It's cramped, but it's kinda cozy too. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 26 Nov 2019 14:07 Title: Outbound Ghosts

Terrific piece of world-building here, even if it is a dark and depressing world. Quite a few layers to unpick as well with a lot of backstory which makes these characters (which I'm not familiar with) really feel alive and interesting.

I'm not big into post-apocalyptic sci-fi (one of the many reasons why I prefer Trek over say Terminator or other, darker franchises) but this story certainly has me intrigued and I'm curious to learn more about this world, Arnie and the ShadowKnights.

Author's Response: Oh man. Hiya CeJay! It kinda is dark and depressing, though it has its moments of kindness and hope, at least. And oh my god, the backstory. Heh. That's a very long story (Arnie's timeline -- just the timeline for reference -- is 9500 words, and that doesn't even go into the show he came from.) I know what you mean. I like post-apocalyptic stuff, but not so much for sci-fi? But I'm thrilled you enjoyed it even out of context, and thank you so much for the comment!

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Nov 2019 22:56 Title: Outbound Ghosts

Exciting and fascinating beginning -- so, many, questions! Well done.

Author's Response: Question one: How the hell does one get Arnold J. Rimmer and turn him into a wildly competent covert ops agent? Answer: It's a much longer story and he's 119 here. LOL! Thank you. <3 This has been a very enlightening era to write. I imagine at this point, things still parallel the Prime Trek timeline enough that the MRR2 people would recognize the feeling.

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