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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 25 Jun 2020 23:37 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 6

And here's Garla - tough, resourceful, and completley out of her depth...

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: But hopefully she's a fun antagonist to have around. I like how she straddles the line between villain and savior throughout this story.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jun 2020 23:36 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 6

Spellchecker chews: I think you meant "Does Laas know?"

Pp beginning "By suggesting that you surrender..." I think you meant "disbelief"

Feel free to delete this review. Thanks!! rbs

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