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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2021 20:54 Title: Maximum Entropy (2/2)

Fro's ship reminds me of the timeship that Archer encountered (and found a fried man inside who was a hybrid of 17 different species starting with human.)

My first clue was Gene Edison... Then LaForge in the engine room.. Not Agamemnon prime.. Really nice fakeout and evidently the opening salvo for the divergence series. 

So... Frobisher is the key to ending this thing? That's just so wrong on so many levels.. Looking forward to the next installment.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: As you have been able to tell, I do enjoy a good misdirection or two. I'm no M. Night (which is probably a good thing) but I do like a story with a twist. It was also fun to bring Frobisher back for this one, not to mention write a story with a rather bleak ending. I may have been slightly inspired by the Voyager episode where the entire crew ended up being duplicates.

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