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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2021 08:59 Title: The Burden of Truth (2/2)

Relly nice world-building with the petrified city. Good decision to make this a Part 1, Part 2 story. Having read the later works, I was already familiar with the outlanders, but an interesting glimpse into a number of krellonians who want to change things - also good world-building.

And really nice character building with Lif - a very believable self-exile, particularly in his attitudes and experiences trying to change his society. This is what science-fiction is for. Really top notch. 

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words. I had alwasy wanted to explore Culsten's background a bit more, and this give me a great opportuntity to do so, tie it into a wider story arc for QD and explore some social justice themes that have always been a staple of Trek and feel more relevant as ever these days.

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