Reviews For False Vacuum
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2020 11:16 Title: Part Seven: The Rabbit Hole - 3

Lots of very nice turns of phrase. A hint of Douglas Adams vivid use of metaphor - especially the bit about the woodchipper.

Since I know where this story is heading, the meaning of the various states of transition and waves of possibility make sense - definitely a touch of Sliders here. 

And what better cliffhanger to end a novel on than encountering your own ship piloted by a ghost?

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: I never quite expected someone to read these books out of order but it's really interesting to get that perspective and I'm glad that you were still interested enough in the whole "how did we get here" to come back to this novel and make your way through it as well. Really appreciate these reviews!

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