Reviews For False Vacuum
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jun 2020 00:43 Title: Part Six: Breakdown - 4
Author's Response: Juggling a lot of balls here. Good thing this story is spread out over three books. Very curious to find out more about what disaster we've got developing in your story.
Date: 21 Jun 2020 00:43 Title: Part Six: Breakdown - 4
It appears we are both on the trail of a massive environmental disaster - mine entirely natural, yours manmade. Oh that nasty Omega molecule... clicky aliens... yeah, this is starting to get fun..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Juggling a lot of balls here. Good thing this story is spread out over three books. Very curious to find out more about what disaster we've got developing in your story.