Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 16 Apr 2021 15:50 Title: 006 - "Another Way of Life Awaits."
Author's Response: I think you're right. There's always going to be people unhappy with the way things are, even in an utopia, which of course, we know doesn't exist. That's not a bad thing of course, as long as their means of trying to change those things remain civil. Not much fun in being civil, of course.

Date: 16 Apr 2021 15:50 Title: 006 - "Another Way of Life Awaits."
Anti-Federation propeganda... It's a pretty hard thing to argue with from our 21st Century perspective, but the idea of a post scarcity, egalitarian society is clearly anathma to a significant portion of our population. And for those audience members who are swayed, it appears the grass is always greener...
Interesting take - and Grayson is clearly a rather nasty piece of work...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I think you're right. There's always going to be people unhappy with the way things are, even in an utopia, which of course, we know doesn't exist. That's not a bad thing of course, as long as their means of trying to change those things remain civil. Not much fun in being civil, of course.
Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed
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Date: 07 May 2009 19:18 Title: 006 - "Another Way of Life Awaits."

Date: 07 May 2009 19:18 Title: 006 - "Another Way of Life Awaits."
Oooooh..I like the way you are writing Grayson. Very well thought out speech of his. I even found myself agreeing with him a great deal.
Two thumbs up!!!
Robert Scorpio
Author's Response: Good to hear. I like it when the reader can sympathize with characters, especially when they aren't the 'good guys', it probably shows depth.