Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 15 Apr 2021 11:15 Title: 005 - "Who's Gonna Clean Up This Mess?"
Author's Response: I like the press briefing idea. I can honestly not recall if this story had one or not. If so, probably not quite in that shape. And yes, hacking and hacking people is definitely playing a prominent part here.

Date: 15 Apr 2021 11:15 Title: 005 - "Who's Gonna Clean Up This Mess?"
Classic turf battle over a crime scene - straight out of Law and Order and any number of other cop dramas. With a cyber-twist. Of course it will be perfect if there is an uncomfortable press conference at some point with all these characters and their Star Fleet counterparts looking very uncomfortable as some official praises them in front of the media for working together... (Just one of my favorite L&O moments ever)
Hacking the minds - very much the danger of cyber enhancements. I've seen quite a few good treatments of this, but not that I can recall within Trek world.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I like the press briefing idea. I can honestly not recall if this story had one or not. If so, probably not quite in that shape. And yes, hacking and hacking people is definitely playing a prominent part here.