Reviews For False Vacuum
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jun 2020 23:27 Title: Part Six: Breakdown - 2
Author's Response: That's an interesting approach to reading a story but I can certainly respect that. And I'm glad you enjoyed what you've read here.
Date: 20 Jun 2020 23:27 Title: Part Six: Breakdown - 2
Before reading a long story, I like to sample a chapter between the middle and the end - which gives me a pretty good read on whether I will enjoy the series. Somtimes they start slow.
I really liked this chapter - lucked into it - it has all sorts of things I like. Dad back fromthe dead, big moral quagmire, fast action, a vulcan and a half-vulcan behaving very differently. And someone named Daystrom..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: That's an interesting approach to reading a story but I can certainly respect that. And I'm glad you enjoyed what you've read here.