Reviews For False Vacuum
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2020 22:13 Title: Part Five: Lazarus - 6
Author's Response: Tension abound, right? I'm not usually a huge fan of antagonistic starship captains (although I've written my share of them) because it is such a common cliche in Trek and other places when you have your hero captain/character meet an external comparable character. I like it here because of the added dimension of their history and relationship and, of course, a few other things inherent to this story that we'll discover later on.
Date: 16 Jun 2020 22:13 Title: Part Five: Lazarus - 6
I'm enjoying the tension between the captains. Clearly Donnars would prefer to just give orders in this situation - but does not have authority to.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Tension abound, right? I'm not usually a huge fan of antagonistic starship captains (although I've written my share of them) because it is such a common cliche in Trek and other places when you have your hero captain/character meet an external comparable character. I like it here because of the added dimension of their history and relationship and, of course, a few other things inherent to this story that we'll discover later on.